GeneticDetoxification’s genetic reports are designed to allow people to create a personalized genetic report, using their “23andMe” DNA data, which will follow along with the book Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan by Dr. Christy Sutton, D.C.
The book Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan is an in-depth, cutting-edge, and integrative book that looks at nearly 300 genetic variants and tries to answer 4 basic questions about each genetic variant:
1.) What does the gene that we are analyzing do, what function does it have in the body?
2.) What health problems can be associated with having inherited the more “risky” or “problematic” genetic type?
3.) What should you talk to your doctor about doing to help potentially reduce health risks from inheriting the “risky” or “problematic” genetic type?
4.) What labs should you consider to continually monitor your health, and help you determine if a genetic predisposition is creating an actual health problem?
Dr. Christy Sutton, D.C. has included clinical pearls from her professional and personal experiences throughout the book. She has extensive knowledge and understanding for the nutritional and environmental influences that can dramatically sway the outcome of having inherited “risky” or “problematic” genetic variants.
We cannot change our genes, but we can change out environment. If you knew that you were genetically predisposed to have a specific disease, but you could dramatically reduce your health risks by eating a specific way, exercising a specific way, or taking specific nutritional supplementation, then would you want to know?
The genes that we inherit are only a part of our health outcome. Dr. Christy Sutton, D.C. has always believed that the more information you have, and the better educated you are about your health, the more likely you are to out-smart your genes. Thus, potentially tipping the scale away from disease and towards health.
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If you live in the United States and would like to purchase an autographed copy of Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan, then click Yes below. If you do not live in the United States, then you will have to purchase the paperback or kindle version through Amazon using the link below.