Empowering Your Health Through Genetic Testing
Your Comprehensive Gene Report
Knowledge Is Power! Are you prepared for life in the 21St Century? Here you’ll find out about your genetic strengths and weaknesses.Know Your Gene Variations! Your Report:
Reveals Why You May Have A Tendency Toward Certain Health Struggles
And empowers you to take natural, preventative measures now!
Explains Why You May Have Certain Imbalances
And points the way to better support your health!
Exposes Weak Links In Your Innate Health Architecture
And facilitates proactive measures to bolster your health!
What You Receive
When you enroll in this program, you receive:1. Step by step instructions that make this fast and easy.
2. Your Comprehensive Gene Report. ($29.95 value)
3. Book: USA customers will receive an autographed copy of Genetic Testing. Defining Your Path To A Personalized Health Plan by Dr. Christy Lock Sutton [$41 value ($35 plus free shipping.)
4. Three publications by WellnessWiz Jack:
7. Update information (email newsletter) about new scientific findings, checklists to evaluate your risk-potentials, and proactive lifestyle practices.
2. Your Comprehensive Gene Report. ($29.95 value)
3. Book: USA customers will receive an autographed copy of Genetic Testing. Defining Your Path To A Personalized Health Plan by Dr. Christy Lock Sutton [$41 value ($35 plus free shipping.)
4. Three publications by WellnessWiz Jack:
- Detox Self Assessment Questionnaire ($19.95 value)
- Methylation & The Molecule That Unlocks Your Body’s Healing Response ($29.97 value)
- Autoimmunity—A Reversible Process ($29.97 value)
- Your Alzheimer’s Risk
- MTHFR – Advanced Insights & Solutions
- How Much Coffee Can You Safely Handle
- What Type Of Vitamin B12 Is Best For You?
- Do you have the “Worrier or Warrior Gene”?
- Are You Genetically Sensitive To Pesticides?
7. Update information (email newsletter) about new scientific findings, checklists to evaluate your risk-potentials, and proactive lifestyle practices.
The Math: We’re bundling a $220.78 value for you for just $99 and including the opportunity for a discounted professional consultation.
How This Works
Step One. Obtain Your Genetic Raw Data from 23andMe.com It’s easy. We’ll show you how.Step Two. Upload Your Genetic Raw Data at geneticdetoxification.com. Very easy!
Step Three. Receive Your Report. Comes to your in-box within a few minutes!
Step Four. Use Dr. Christy Lock Sutton’s groundbreaking reference book, Genetic Testing. Defining Your Path To A Personalized Health Plan to interpret your report.
Meet Your Team
Dr. Sutton earned her B.S. degree in Microbiology, Anatomy, and Health & Wellness from Texas State University and Parker University. She earned her Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker University. She was drawn to health care because of her extensive personal health struggles, which includes being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of 16. Her interests lie in helping her patients prevent health problems, and assisting them in becoming as healthy and pain-free as possible without the use of drugs or surgery. She is focused on diagnosing and correcting the underlying problem rather than masking the symptoms. She currently lives and practices in Dallas, Texas with her loving husband and daughter. Her book, Genetic Testing, is a reflection of her love of genetics and the amazing potentials to support human health and longevity.
WellnessWiz Jack Tips [Ph.D., C.C.N.] is an internationally-renowned clinical nutritionist with over 35 years in clinical practice. He’s the author of 16 books on natural health and brings the message of natural health to people via TV, radio, podcasts, summits, and internet-based programs. A compelling public speaker, he has presented with Anthony Robbins, Dr. Depak Chopra, and Dr. Bruce Lipton at events and symposiums around the world. He specializes in gut-microbiome health, age-related muscle maintenance, and mitochondrial health; with a special love of epigenetics and how adaptable the human body can become when the cause of its distresses are corrected. He is a cutting edge researcher who correlates the latest scientific studies with the ancient wisdom of the body’s own natural laws to reveal unique insights on the care and feeding of human health.
Enroll Now — $99
“Why I wrote a book on genetics? I wanted a simple and easy-to-understand reference book to help people become proactive regarding their health. My personal and family history has been riddled with serious and deadly diseases that are largely hereditary in nature. I have always believed that I could outsmart the less desirable genes I inherited by altering my environment. However, I believe it is easier for one to outsmart their genes when they have knowledge on their side. This book is a tool designed to be dense enough in knowledge to empower people to help tip the scale away from sickness and towards health.” Dr. Christy Lock Sutton
“DNA is not your destiny. Your health is all about what you epigenetically express from your DNA blueprint. The natural health movement is all about avoiding and removing the triggers that naturally cause cells to express unwanted actions, and directly supporting the processes that facilitate optimal health. This is the next giant step toward improving health in the 21st Century.” — WellnessWiz Jack
Q & A
How will I obtain my genetic raw data?We’ll have you go to a non-affiliated, CLIA-certified website, 23andMe.com and purchase your data obtained via a simple, painless oral swab that you collect and post back to them. Once they generate your gene profile, you’ll simply download it to your computer as a single .txt or .zip file. What about confidentiality?
This is very important to you and to us. Your genetic raw data is, frankly, your entire world. After your comprehensive gene report is generated, we destroy your raw data. It’s best that you keep it yourself. Data sharing?
We absolutely, positively DO NOT share your genetic raw data, or your email with anyone, or any organization. Nada! It’s completely confidential to you. What if I want my money back?
Once you download your gene report, there is no refund. This is because once you receive your report, you have received the essentials of this research. What if I’m not scientifically savvy?
No problem. Few people are. Our report is easily understood and interpreted using Dr. Sutton’s book. If you like, you can discuss your report in a private consultation with WellnessWiz Jack. Will I be able to treat a disease with this information?
At this current time in our culture and history, only medical doctors are allowed to “diagnose” and “treat” a disease. So the answer is, ‘No.’ This gene endeavor provides information and knowledge only. Your gene report reveals the genetic factors involved in your health and your life. Scientific studies reveal that natural support of genes with nutrients and herbs is valid. Medical science seeks drugs that alter gene expression. It’s an exciting time for humanity as we seek to advance knowledge toward more optimal health. Enroll Now — $99